Monthly archives: September 2012

Chinese investors will be buying up big in prominent Tasmanian “dairy land” for a $180 million expansion of a Woolnorth property in North-West Tas. While there are concerns about foreign investors taking up Australian opportunities the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers president, Jan Davis said “ Foreign investment is seen by […]

Expansion Exposed at Tas Dairy

Yesterday it was announced that new laws have been set to ban the Super Trawler fishing in Australian waters for 2 years while an investigation into its real environmental impacts takes place after concerns that their science was out-dated. “If we get this wrong, there’s risks to environment and fishers […]

Victory! Super Trawler Banned

It’s official, Federal Environment Minister, Tony Burke has given the go ahead for Super Trawler, FV Margiris to fish in Australian waters. To add insult to injury the Trawler is being renamed the Abel Tasman. Burke announced that the ship will be allowed to trawl for its quota so long […]

New Support and Name for Super Trawler